Wednesday 14 January 2009

The Fart and Why It Happens

Why a fart happens!

Farting is an action only employed by men, women of course do not fart - they 'fluff', then will blush like a blood orange and wildly deny any action having taken place. Farting is one of the most embarrassing things that people do in front of others. A lot of comedians and artistes utilize this embarrassed feeling to create humor and arrest attention.

A fart is gas that escapes from a body and it is a combination of gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, and hydrogen sulphide) that travels from a person's stomach to their anus. The fart is created when a person swallows too much air or eats foods that the human digestive system cannot digest easily, and when gas becomes trapped in their stomach.

Fox News Fart!

Farting should not be indulged in real life as it is considered something more appropriate for TV and movies like "Norbit".

To fart is natural though and something we all do but sometimes, but it is very embarrassing for those afflicted with the problem and for those around them. You can take positive steps to naturally cure flatulence once you know the causes.

Farting is a field ripe for exploration, indeed it is over-ripe. A small start has already been made. Farting is a physiologic excretory process. Normally, the gut contains 100 to 200 mL of gas.

To fart is something natural, it makes us all look stupid or silly when I happens, and children think it is really very funny.

Farting is to do with bacteria in the lower bowel, which are particularly partial to carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates in some foods cannot be broken down and absorbed in the intestine; they pass straight through to the bowel, where they are fermented by the bacteria to produce gas that comes out as farting. Farting is a vital and inescapable part of everyday life, and farts are nothing to be prudish about. When God created Adam and Eve, he meant them to do what comes naturally, and that includes breaking wind.

To fart is always funny, and when they stink, it's even funnier to many people.

Farts smell obnoxious because of the breakdown of compounds containing sulfur (think rotten eggs). Farting is a gift from the Almighty Tube in whose image we are created.

I truly believe that if we were more humble with our farting we would be less violent with our living.
Resources from other home health and lifestyle sources are available at our web site such as:

funny fart: fartology and funny fart: farting.

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